
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Winter time beauty

Tutorial by Jcuttlebear01 aka JoAnn
I do these tutorials for fun and not
for any profit. I use them also as a learning tool to
help others learn the fun and art of paint shop pro.
All things I use are collected, the only thing I claim
Is the tags I make with these as my work.
Feel free to share my tutorials, but link them back
to my site please.
 Remember to save often in case your psp closes.
Plug ins
Eye candy 5 texture HERE
Eye candy 5 impact HERE
Eye candy 5 Nature HERE
VanDerLee snowflake HERE
Xenofex HERE
Install all the plug ins you need.
In the supplies is the presets I used for eye candy's
just click on them and they will go right into where
they need to go.
Tubes of choice
Graphic of choice
Font of choice
Open your supplies and minimize them in your psp. 
Open new image 800 X 800
we will resize later.
Open supplies and minimize them in your psp.
you can use either the ones I have used, or some of
your own, its all up to you.
Selection tool set to circle, and draw
out one the size you want.
Select>modify>select>selection border

I have put the one I did in the supplies
if you wish to use it instead of making your own.
Flood fill with a nice color from your graphic, that you
want your frame.
Effects>plug-in>Alien skin eye candy 5>texture>weave>
use either a setting of your choice, or the one I have supplied.
Keep selected
Effects>plug in>Eye candy 5 impact>glass
look for winterglassbevelbyjcuttlebear01>or use settings
you might like.
Effects>edge enhance

Select inside the frame

Selection>modify>expand by about 23 or so,
you want to be over on the frame
add a new raster layer
If your using a solid graphic you can skip this next step.
Alien Skins>Xenoofex 2 Little fluffy clouds
Settings I used. You can mess with the settings
and get something you might like better.

Layer arrange move down
Keep selected>add a new raster layer
copy and paste your misted graphic into selection
I added it to my graphic.
 What I have so far.
Add the tree>resize it by 60 percent>move over to the left.
Add drop shadow.

Add the snow balls>resize by 50 percent and move where
you want them, add a drop shadow.
Duplicate and arrange where you want them.

Add sled resize by 60 percent>image rotate, left 90
add drop shadow
Add a snowman or what ever you like to the graphic.
The one I used I resized it by 50 percent.
Add a drop shadow
Add the deer and move over to the right side of your work.
Add drop shadow

Add the bunny>resize by 40 percent>mirror and move over to the
left side of you work.
Add drop shadow.
Add Bell banner>resize by 70 percent
move to the top center>add drop shadow 
Add Cardinal and resize by 40 percent>mirror and place
on the top of the sled>add drop shadow.
Duplicate and place how you want it.
Add a bow and resize it by 30 percent add drop shadow.
I colorized the one I used to go with my colors.
If you have all the accents you want to use now>
we will add the mask>add a new raster layer>arrange and
send to bottom>flood fill with color you want the mask to be.
Layers>new mask layer>from image>

Merge group>resize mask by 90 percent
Effects>Eye candy 5 Nature>icicles
the setting I used>or use one of your own.

This is how mine looks now.
Add a new raster layer>add your water mark.

Now we will add the animation>
close off the mask>graphic>and frame layer
Make sure you on some other layer but those 4 and merge visible.
Reopen the ones you closed>this is how your layer pallet
should look now I named mine so the animation part is easier.

Highlight your frame layer>click on the inside>modify
expand by 25>now highlight the graphic layer>effects>plug in

Copy merge>open animation shop>copy and paste as a new
Go back to your psp>and undo what you just did on the snow>
Clear back until the ants are running around the frame once again.
Effects Plug-in same one we just used>but with the settings below.
Make sure your graphic layer
is highlighted>

Deselect>and copy merge

and go to animation shop>edit copy and paste>after the other one.
Go back once again and undo what you just did>we will add the
snow one more time with these settings.
Deselect>copy merge>go to animation shop>
edit copy and paste after the last one we just did.

Go to view animation and see how it looks.

If you wish to slow the animation down>go to animation
frame properties>and change your speed how you want it.
I left the first frame alone>frame 2 I used 15>and frame 3 used 20
If you want to add a name go back to your psp
and add name to the tag your working on
I used>Fontleroy Brown NF>size 100
Added a drop shadow>copy and paste just
the name up into your animation shop as a new animation
you will need to add 2 more layers go up to the top where the letter
looking thing is and click on the center one 2 times.
you now should have 3 frames>go to the first frame of the name
highlight the bottom where the gray frame is>you should have a red
and blue frame now>edit select all>Now drag and drop it where
you want it up on your tag> make sure your putting it in frame one>the
rest will follow.
Resize to your liking>view and save as a gif file.
Your now all done and ready to share your work of art.
Would love to see what you do with this.
Thank you for giving my tutorial a try.
I do hope you have enjoyed this tutorial, and learned
something new.
Have any questions or need help.
Just let me know, I'm always happy to help any way I can.
This is another sample of the tag I made.
Thank you Carole