
Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Tutorial by Jcuttlebear01 aka JoAnn


I do these tutorials for fun and not
for any profit. I use them also as a learning tool to
help others learn the fun and art of paint shop pro.

Tube of choice
No outside plug ins used.
I did this in psp 9 but can be done in any psp.

Kit is called love and its here at....

Template is # 8 and you can find it here.

1. Open you template and duplicate it, close the original.
then delete the top layer.

2. Activate the gray lines layer.
Find a color or paper you wish to use.
I used paper 9 and rotated it by 90 degrees all layers.

3. Copy and paste it into this layer, I then used a inner bevel
with these settings.

4. Deselect and add a drop shadow to this layer.

5. Activate the black rectangle middle
Find another color or paper you wish to use for this.
I used paper 2 for this one.
Copy and paste it into the selection.
then deselect.

6. Activate the frame layer just the edge of it,
Then you can flood fill with a color of your choice.
I used a color from the first layer....#930c33

7. Apply the same inner bevel as before.
Then deselect

8. Activate the other part of the gray there in the frame,
and flood fill with a different color, I used white, then
inner beveled it as before.
Then deselect.

9. Activate the other part there that is still black,
and you can flood fill with a color or use another
paper from the kit.......I used paper 8

10. Activate the little square layer now,
you can do one of two things.
Click on each one, or click on the outside part
and then go to selection and invert, so just the square are activated.

11. Then selection and modify and expand by 1

12. Next pick 2 colors you want to use, and flood fill them alternating the colors.
Once you have them filled give them the same bevel as before,
the deselect, and add the same drop shadow.
except lower the blur to your liking.
This is what I have now, and I'm ready to add
my tube and other accents to this.

Add your water mark, and name or anything else.
Re size to your liking.

Your now done, and ready to share your work of art.

Would love to see what you do with this.
Thank you for giving my tutorial a try.
I do hope you have enjoyed this tutorial, and learned
something new.
Have any questions or need help.
Just let me know, I'm always happy to help any way I can.

Hugs and happy PSP'n

Want to thank my two testers for a wonderful job.
They both are from my list.....JoAnn's Awesome Brats.

Here is another I did using another pretty kit
Seachell-Hope Scrap Kit

These two samples below are from
GGMOM9 aka Mary

This sample is from
ameripex97 aka Kay

Thank you Pati


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